Special Notice !

SMART Community Hackathon 2022

Our school students participated in the SMART Community Hackathon 2022 and won the “My Favourite Project – Online Voting” award, as well as exhibited at the “HSBC Hong Kong Community Festival 2022”.

SMART Community Hackathon 2022 is a competition organized by HSBC Hong Kong as part of the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme. With the themes of “Future Skills”, “Physical and Mental Health”, and “Green Living”, this year’s competition aims to encourage young people to use innovative technology within their communities.

Following the preliminary round, finalist report and online voting process, our students’ STEAM project titled “HomeFitness,” developed by Chan Chun Yiu Wesley, Fung Ka Hei, Yeung Yuen Ting and Tjhang Choi Ling, has been awarded the “My Favourite Project – Online Voting” award. The purpose of this project is to encourage the elderly and people of all ages to exercise at home and maintain a healthy physical and mental state.

Students displayed their works at the “HSBC Hong Kong Community Festival 2022” held in the pedestrian zone of Chater Road, Central, which attracted many citizens to attend. During the award ceremony, students also shared their work process and difficulties encountered.

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