Special Notice !



「人人可教 皆可成材」的教育理念,是相信〝人皆有能〞,只要給與足夠的學習機會和恰當的發展空間,每一個學生都可以成材。 部份來自基層的學生,家庭生活負擔很重,有些學生因而喪失與其他同學一樣的學習機會,窒礙他們在不同性向的發展及發揮。為了貫徹「人人可教 皆可成材」的理念,資深教育工作者譚萬鈞教授及容麗珍女士於2000年11月創辦了「萬鈞教育基金」(以下稱「基金」),竭力為有心向學的學生提供經濟支援,使其不至因家庭經濟困難而被放棄學習機會,浪費天賦才能。

「基金」創辦人譚萬鈞教授從事教育事業逾四十多年,懷著熾熱的教育心及濃烈的教育情,孜孜不倦地興辦學校、參與公職、著作教學,在教育政策、專業管理和教學工作各方面都有傑出的創見及成就,對香港以至國家的教育事業作出很大的貢獻。譚教授數十年一貫堅持 「人人可教 皆可成材」的教育理念,並通過身體力行實踐。創辦「基金」便是「人人可教 皆可成材」精神的體證。

現時「萬鈞教育基金」為萬鈞教育機構屬下組織,以「人人可教、皆可成材」為宗旨,支援機構 屬下學校(萬鈞伯裘書院、賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院、萬鈞匯知中學)有經濟困難的學生 。 基金設有多個不同項目,鼓勵學生多方面發展。在獎勵勤學方面,基金設有「超限教育獎學金」等。另外,基金亦設立「課外活動資助」、「海外遊學活動資助專項」等,鼓勵學生積極參與課外活動,跑出課室、面向世界。

譚萬鈞 教授

萬鈞教育基金 創辦人










獎學金以學習券或現金 形式發放;如以學習券形式發放,學生可用學習券支付學費、書簿費、公開考試費,以及學校各項學習活動、課外活動、遊學活動的費用。學習券可累積使用至該學生畢業為止。


頒予該年考獲香港中學文憑試最佳成績,而能入讀本地認可全日制學士學位課程的一位同學 (校內操行等級須至少達B級)。

頒予曾經歷困難條件,但自身仍努力奮鬥,並憑香港中學文憑試成績而能入讀本地認可全日制學士學位課程的一位同學(校內操行等級須至少達B級)。 每人獲獎勵金額為$5,000。

  1. 資助家境貧困的學生參與學習活動、課外活動、遊學及才藝活動。 每年基金資助上限為例$8,000(經基金審批小組批核,每名學生可獲$500至$1,000獎學金)。
  2. 另設聯校遊學專項資助。每年每校有不多於$20,000獎學金,特別資助學生在境外遊學。 另外,學校可運用$8,000資助校本遊學活動。


居住於天水圍,就讀於天水圍、元朗小學的四至六年級學生,經學校推薦。名額 25 名,每名獲獎 同學獲獎$ 2,000。

“All are educable” is not narrowly defined as being willing to teach weaker students, but also for those who cannot receive education because of different social reasons (economy, race, sex and disability). “All are educable” is also a belief in “everyone is capable”. Every student can be successful when sufficient learning chances and appropriate development spaces are provided. Students from basic-class family always have a great family burden. For this reason some of them even quit school and therefore some potential talents may lose. To implement our school motto “All are educable” and keep more talents for our society, Prof. Tam Man Kwan, an experienced educator, founded Man Kwan Education Fund (Fund) to provide financial support for students so that they can continue their study.

The founder Prof. Tam Man Kwan has been in the career of teaching over 30 years. With his passion and enthusiasm, he has continuously established schools, participated in public services, published education-related work. Prof. Tam also has outstanding achievements in education policies, professional management and teaching, also the great contributions to education in Hong Kong and even to that in the mainland. The foundation of the Fund is the embodiment of Prof. Tam’s motto “All are educable”.

The Fund was founded in November 2000, a non-profit making funding under the management of Pak Kau College with the motto “All are educable” for supporting students with financial difficulties from Pak Kau Educational Organization Limited, QualiEd Educational Organization Limited and Eduyoung Educational Organization Limited. (Now named as Man Kwan Educational Organisation Limited). There are different items under the Fund to encourage students to diversify their development like Yung Lai Chun Scholarship and Boundless Education Scholarship. The Fund also includes Assistance for Extra-curriculum Activities and Study Tour Assistance to motivate students actively join extra-curriculum activities.

The Founder
Prof. Tam Man Kwan
The Founder of Man Kwan Education Fund

Words from the Founder

Everyone has the root of righteousness. Students are like seeds for which schools need to direct sunlight and air so that the righteous roots grow. We founded “Man Kwan Education Fund” for aiding wholehearted students with financial difficulties so that they can concentrate on their studying and also broaden their learning experiences. This is how we put our motto “All are educable” into practice.

The Fund will be distributed to students in forms of scholarship and learning vouchers. Hundreds of students are assisted every year by the Fund. To spread the fortune of the Fund, from this year on, the Fund will also benefit Primary 5 and Primary 6 students in the community. More juveniles can be nurtured with the utmost attention and develop their talents so that their self-confidence will be strengthened and courageous to face challenges.

We will continue to organise different types of courses and activities in the future for the enhancement of students’ diverse learning experiences. It is true that our concern, acceptance and respect matter to the growth of the young generation. We hope that we can work together to bring the potentials of every youngster, who will then work out a bright future, become the pillars of Hong Kong and reward our society.

Chairperson's message
Dr. Li Yuet Ting C.B.E, J.P
(The former Director of Hong Kong Education Department)

Words from the Founder

Everyone has the root of righteousness. Students are like seeds for which schools need to direct sunlight and air so that the righteous roots grow. We founded “Man Kwan Education Fund” for aiding wholehearted students with financial difficulties so that they can concentrate on their studying and also broaden their learning experiences. This is how we put our motto “All are educable” into practice.

The Fund will be distributed to students in forms of scholarship and learning vouchers. Hundreds of students are assisted every year by the Fund. To spread the fortune of the Fund, from this year on, the Fund will also benefit Primary 5 and Primary 6 students in the community. More juveniles can be nurtured with the utmost attention and develop their talents so that their self-confidence will be strengthened and courageous to face challenges.

We will continue to organise different types of courses and activities in the future for the enhancement of students’ diverse learning experiences. It is true that our concern, acceptance and respect matter to the growth of the young generation. We hope that we can work together to bring the potentials of every youngster, who will then work out a bright future, become the pillars of Hong Kong and reward our society.

Financial Assistance Schemes

Scholarships in our school are offered to students in form of learning vouchers, in which students can use the vouchers to pay for the cost in their learning such as buying textbooks, paying for tuition fees, joining extra-curricular activities or joining study tours. The learning vouchers can be accumulated until the student graduated from our school.

Hung Pui Chun Scholarships

Students in The Jockey Club Eduyoung College are awarded under the criteria set in Boundless Education Scholarships & Subsidy for Extra-curricular Activities.

Yung Lai Chun Scholarships

The scholarships are offered by our School Director Ms. Yung Lai Chun.

The scholarships distributions are as follows:

  1. One student who obtains the best result in HKDSE and continue to study in one of the local recognised full time degree course (with conduct graded at least “B” in school) will be awarded $5,000.
  2. One student who is able to continue to study in one of the local recognised full time degree course despite the hardship or misfortune he / she has undergone will be awarded $5,000.
Boundless Education Scholarships
  1. Offer subsidies to students with financial difficulties to participate in learning activities, extra-curricular activities, study tours and talent activities. The maximum sponsorship is $8,000. (Students selected will receive a scholarship totaling the amount of $500 to $1,000 with the funding approval committee’s endorsement).
  2. Overseas study tours sponsorship: Scholarships in a total of $20,000 in maximum are offered for students who wish to pursue overseas study tours. Another 8,000 will be provided to subsidy school-based study tours.
“Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau” Universities Scholarships

2 students for each school who are going to study in Mainland China, Taiwan or Macau are recommended will be awarded of $5,000.

Children in Tin Shui Wai Scheme

25 Primary 4 to 6 students living in Tin Shui Wai and Yuen Long who are recommended by their school will be awarded of $2,000.